This book is simply meant as a thought-provoking impulse
and as a reminder. It's well arranged and classified like a
diary that reminds you of miracles for your health on a
daily basis. We actually know it but we keep forgetting it
in our everyday lives. We also need a constant reminder of
what is good for us.
Point after point is deliberately kept as short as possible
and to be understood as "checkpoint" for what is relevant
for you and what may provide impulses.
Browsing through this book and meditating about individual
chapters is a useful activity while waiting somewhere,
having a break or even while having time for yourself!
Take notes, start a "change-book", a "selfness-diary", by
entering and clearing your thoughts to each individual
Become a guardian of your health. You yourself, not
others, should take care of it. It's your most valuable asset
because you only have one health.