Circuits and Systems for Security and Privacy begins by introducing the basic theoretical concepts and arithmetic used in algorithms for security and cryptography, and by reviewing the fundamental building blocks of cryptographic systems. It then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of real-world implementations that not only optimize power, area, and throughput but also resist side-channel attacks. Merging the perspectives of experts from industry and academia, the book provides valuable insight and necessary background for the design of security-aware circuits and systems as well as efficient accelerators used in security applications.
"[This book] discusses side-channel attacks and efficient implementations, analysis of advantages, disadvantages, and attack-resistance on various topics such as symmetric-key algorithms, public-key algorithms, hash functions, RNGs, and PUFs. This definitely makes the book stand out from rest. ? The book is suitable for unfamiliar readers to learn more about the topic as well as a comprehensive resource for more experienced readers to quickly become familiar with the recent trends in this area. It helps the reader to design efficient accelerators used in security applications as well as the development of security-aware circuits and systems. The topics covered make the book suitable for both industry and academia. Furthermore, the authors discuss real implementations of security systems suitable for both commercial products as well as academic applications. Another positive aspect is the contributions from experts on each topic. This makes the book an ultimate state-of-the-art reference. ? The presentation, style of writing, and coverage of side-channel attacks is very good. ? [This book is] an extremely valuable addition to the literature on security and privacy that certainly stands out as unique."
-Dr. Tony Thomas, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Kerala