Born in the Middle East, Gregorian's desire for acceptance in Australia is thwarted by the old boys' network, epitomised by John Sinclair. Determined to succeed, Gregorian is bribed into undertaking a political career backed by a terrorist organisation.
Australia is seen as a soft target for take-over by this organisastion. Initial acts of destabilisation occur in Sydney and Melbourne, leaving the authorities jittery. Finally, Parliament House is stormed; all Parliamentarians are taken hostage and imprisoned; they will be killed if any rescue is mounted.
Gregorian becomes Prime Minister. The new government is able to control the south-east corner of the continent and becomes accepted through its nationalisation of the banks and the abolition of income tax.
A rescue attempt led by John Sinclair fails and Sinclair's wife, formerly Gregorian's lover, is taken hostage.
A second rescue attempt led by Sinclair is mounted under the direction of a foreign power but all the hostages are slaughtered.