Vivienne Bozalek, Michalinos Zembylas, Siddique Motala and Dorothee Hölscher
1 A Pedagogy of Hauntology: Decolonizing the Curriculum with GIS
Michalinos Zembylas, Vivienne Bozalek and Siddique Motala
2 Just(ice) Do It! Re-membering the past through co-affective aesthetic encounters with art/history
Nike Romano
3 Shooting the elephant in the (prayer) room: Politics of moods, racial hauntologies and idiomatic diffraction
Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen & Dorthe Staunæs
4 A specter is haunting European higher education - the specter of neo-nationalism
Katja Brøgger
5 Sea hauntings and haunted seas for embodied place-space-mattering for social justice scholarship
Tamara Shefer
6 Reconciliation and Education: Artistic Actions and Critical Conversations
Stephanie Springgay
7 Self as Ghost: Haunting whiteness in Lizza Littlewort's painting
Lize van Robbroeck
8 A Posthuman Hauntology for the Anthropocene: The Spectral and Higher Education
Delphi Carstens
9 Pedagogy of hauntology in language education: Re-signifying the Argentine dictatorship in higher education
Melina Porto
10 Being Haunted by-and Reorienting toward-What 'Matters' in Times of (the COVID-19) Crisis: A Critical Pedagogical Cartography of Response-ability
Evelien Geerts
11 Higher education hauntologies and spacetimemattering: Response-ability and non-innocence in times of pandemic
Vivienne Bozalek and Dorothee Hölscher