DOOGIE'S DAD is a book for children ages 4 - 7. This story is about Doogie, a young boy, and his sister whose father is sent to prison. It explores their feelings of loss, fear and frustration at not being told what's going on until their mother finally takes them to visit their dad in prison.
The impact of imprisonment of a parent on children can be extremely damaging and many experience some of the following changes: becoming withdrawn or secretive; displaying anger or defiance (especially against authority figures such as teachers); attention-seeking or self- destructive behavior; poor educational performance; and significant mental health problems. We also know that many children do not want to tell their friends or teachers what has happened in case they are treated differently, bullied or teased. Some parents decide to "protect" their children from the truth and make up stories about where their dad, or mom has gone. In general, though, children want to be told the truth-only then can they understand what has happened.
Family Bridge Network, a nonprofit organization, has commissioned the writing of this and several other children's through its Children Left Behind program, by award-winning author, psychologist and parent Dr. Richard W. Dyches.