The lack of effective DC fault protection technology remains a major barrier for the DC paradigm shift. In addressing the key challenges,
Direct Current Fault Protection: Basic Concepts and Technology Advances starts with an introduction to the advantages of DC power systems before moving on to an in-depth review of DC fault protection technologies, including mechanical circuit breaker (MCB), solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB), hybrid circuit breaker (HCB), converter based (breakerless) protection, and fault current limiter (FCL). Coverage includes a comprehensive comparison of various DC fault interruption technologies and their suitable applications, state-of-the-art DC fault protection concepts and advances in research, identification of fundamental challenges and future directions in the field, and commercialization aspects. This book will be a valuable reference for practicing engineers, researchers, and graduate students in the field of power electronics and DC power systems.
- Covers basic concepts and recent advances
- Offers insights on challenges and potential solutions
- Discusses relevance to adoption, operation, and efficiency of distributed renewable energy systems