Herb Boeckenhaupt is a long-time website designer and developer and currently specializes in the Joomla CMS platform. He has built and deployed websites for clients in the United States and Great Britain for a diverse client base. Having owned a printing and graphics company in the Washington, DC area for over 30 years, he brings a wealth of experience and practical skills to his web development projects. Starting in the early days of desktop publishing, he consulted with Xerox Corporation on the optimal use of their newly acquired Ventura Publisher 2.0 publishing software. From there, he consulted with major trade associations in bringing their desktop publishing to the modern era and parlayed that experience into website development when the Internet began to become popular. In the past several years, he has specialized in building websites on the Joomla! platform. He continues to train and consult on the use and application of Joomla! for various website configurations. He is also an advisory committee member for the web technologies program at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. Robin Turner is a professor of accounting and economics at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College in North Carolina and has been teaching in her discipline for over 22 years, which includes UNC-Greensboro and within the Virginia Community College System. She has been using web-enhanced teaching methods for a number of years and has authored online courses, and study and testing materials for over 25 college-level textbooks for major book publishers. She was recognized as one of the "2009 ITC Distinguished E-Learning Faculty" for her excellence in using web technology to supplement in-class instruction. She is also a peer-reviewer for multimedia and online teaching resources.
She is the principal owner of the 200mph Media Group, a website design and development company and is an expert Joomla! user, along with Moodle and a host of other online extended learning programs. She develops both websites and online course material for clients. |