Discover the lasting satisfaction of working with stone and learn the tricks of the trade from a master craftsman.
No building material rivals stone for beauty, permanence, and enduring popularity. Builder Charles McRaven offers the benefits of his fifty years of stonework experience in Stonework, a book that will inform, entertain, and inspire anyone using or working with stone.
McRaven helps even first-time builders comprehend the intricacies of working with different stone types; choosing the most suitable stone; handling, cutting, and shaping stone; working with recycled stone; and using stone inside the home.
Stonework presents complete, fully illustrated instructions for:
* Using stone for gardens, paths, pools, and waterfalls
* Building walls, from simple to serpentine
* Making gateways, pillars, and doorways
* Using large stones as wall and landscape accents
* Installing stone steps for porches and entries
* Creating retaining walls
* Building bridges and walkways